A Blog About CBD Oil And It's Medical Benefits!


What is CBD?

What is CBD? CBD is one of the 113 known cannabinoids found naturally in the cannabis plant. CBD does NOT give the user a psychoactive “high” unlike THC, which is also found in the cannabis plant. CBD is the part best known for it’s therapeutic qualities. It is best known to help with ailments, such …


What Is THC?

THC or tetrahydrocannabinol is one of many cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. THC is the cannabinoid that is known to give you a psychoactive “high”. All the other cannabinoids, such as CBD, can be taken without feeling high. Most CBD oils contain little if any THC. This ensures that the user receives therapeutic benefit …


Does CBD Oil Slow Ageing?

Many people take CBD oil as a preventative measure. Whilst they have no health problems, they use CBD oil to prevent illnesses before they happen. Some people also claim CBD oil keeps them younger. This has folk asking, does CBD oil slow ageing? Rather than take peoples word for it, we need to see what …


CBD Oil And Meditation

Many people take CBD oil for stress relief, anxiety, to aid sleep, and to reduce blood pressure. Whilst CBD oil doesn’t have the side effects of conventional medication, it’s effects can be more subtle. To bolster the positive effects of CBD oil, many people turn to meditation. CBD oil and meditation are a GRREAT combination! …


Does CBD Oil Help Depression?

Does CBD oil help depression? An online survey was completed in July 2018. It showed a high proportion of CBD oil users took it for depression, anxiety, sleep and pain issues. The study concluded that “A large percentage of respondents indicate that CBD treats their condition(s) effectively in the absence of conventional medicine and with …


Will CBD Oil Help Me Quit Smoking?

This may seem counter intuitive, but there is a school of thought that CBD oil helps people quit smoking. Will CBD Oil Help Me Quit Smoking? As you are probably aware, some people consider cannabis to be a “gateway drug” that leads people to take harder drugs. However cannabis and CBD are not the same …


Does CBD Oil Help Cancer?

Does CBD Oil Help Cancer? If you look around the internet, you’ll find numerous stories of how CBD oil has cured cancer, or helped in some way. (For example here is a story about a 69 year old who claims CBD oil shrank her tumour – https://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/news/where-to-buy-cannabis-oil-721783) As inspiring as these stories are, they must …


Can CBD Oil Help Anxiety?

Can CBD Oil Help Anxiety? Many people have reported that CBD oil has helped them with anxiety. Anecdotally this includes both short and long term use of CBD oil. However in order to be sure whether CBD oil can help you with anxiety, we need to look at scientific studies. Can CBD oil help with …


Does CBD Oil Help Arthritis?

There is a lot of anecdotal evidence that CBD oil helps arthritis. However, is it true? The placebo effect and internet rumours frequently mislead the public on certain “truths”. So, does CBD oil help arthritis? The best way to show this is by looking at scientific studies. Here’s a few… Scientific Studies On CBD Oil …


Does CBD Oil Help Sleep?

Does CBD Oil Help Sleep? For centuries people have been using cannabis to help them sleep. Many millions of people around the world have used cannabis to help them sleep. And as you’ll see later, research has backed up that cannabis helps sleep. But there is a difference between cannabis and CBD oil ( also …