Does CBD oil help depression? An online survey was completed in July 2018. It showed a high proportion of CBD oil users took it for depression, anxiety, sleep and pain issues. The study concluded that “A large percentage of respondents indicate that CBD treats their condition(s) effectively in the absence of conventional medicine and with nonserious adverse effects.” See this link for more information –

Although this is a useful guide, it is not a very scientific study. This is because it relies on peoples self judgement, and doesn’t take into account placebo effects. What we need is science! Let’s have a look at relevant scientific studies…
Scientific Studies On CBD And Depression

This following study on mice and rats showed CBD oil to have an anti depression effect after a single dose. It concluded that “The data support a promising therapeutic profile for CBD as a new fast-acting antidepressant drug.” –

This study on mice concluded “CBD induces antidepressant-like effects comparable to those of imipramine.” ( Imipramine is an anti depression drug.)

This following study showed CBD oil to have “a mild antidepressant-like effect in diabetic rats.” –

This study concluded “our findings indicate that CBD could represent a novel fast antidepressant drug…” –
Final Thoughts

Does CBD oil help depression? These studies show a good proportion of human subjects, when questioned, report positive effects of CBD oil on depression. They also show positive improvements of rats in lab conditions.

CBD oil has also been shown to be helpful for people suffering from anxiety and sleep issues. These often cause or contribute towards depression.

To be completely sure if CBD oil helps depression, we need more human trials, However from the limited studies already completed, it looks likely that CBD oil can treat people with depression. How well it does this only time will tell. But if you are suffering from depression, then giving CBD oil a go looks like a good option. A months trial seems well worth a shot.


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