Does CBD Oil Help Cancer?

If you look around the internet, you’ll find numerous stories of how CBD oil has cured cancer, or helped in some way. (For example here is a story about a 69 year old who claims CBD oil shrank her tumour – As inspiring as these stories are, they must be taken with a pinch of salt.

Some people make bold claims online for attention and marketing purposes. Others may THINK that the CBD oil has helped them, where it has actually been something else in their treatment. There is also the possibility that some of these stories are true.

In order to truly discover if CBD oil helps with cancer, we must turn to science…

CBD Oil And Cancer Scientific Studies

The following study looked at 177 cancer patients who were experiencing cancer pain despite chronic opioid dosing. The results showed a 30% reduction in pain when compared to a placebo. This shows that CBD oil can provide cancer pain relief for cancer patients who are not fully relieved from traditional opiate pain killers –

So a human trial showed that CBD oil can reduce pain for cancer sufferers. But what about actually treating cancer?

Another study taken in the lab with test tubes observed that “CBD preferentially kills breast cancer cells, while minimizing damage to normal breast tissue.” It concluded that “These findings support the continued exploration of CBD as an alternative agent for breast cancer treatment.”

This following study was conducted on rats with breast cancer. It showed that CBD can cause a “down-regulation of tumour aggressiveness.”

This following trail studied rats suffering with pancreatic cancer. It found that the rats survived 3 times longer when CBD oil was added to their traditional treatment of gemcitabine. CBD was referred to as a “novel promising treatment to improve PDAC patients’ outcome.”

Final Thoughts

Does CBD Oil Help Cancer? Scientific studies have so far shown that CBD reduces cancer related pain in humans. Studies have also shown that CBD kills breast cancer cells in test tube situations. Science has also shown a reduction in tumour aggressiveness in rats with breast cancer.

Whilst these findings are not conclusive, they are very encouraging. More human based trials are needed in order to conform whether CBD oil helps people with cancer. There is good evidence that CBD oil helps reduce pain for cancer sufferers. More research is needed to discover if CBD oil treats the cancer itself for humans. However at this stage, the signs look encouraging. Fingers crossed that more human based trials are completed soon.

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