As the name suggests, this site has been created to answer all your questions regarding the medicinal use of CBD oil, or cannabidiol.

As you’ve probably seen, CBD oil is gaining massive amounts of news coverage for its therapeutic properties. Many countries have already lifted bans on CBD oil, with many more soon to follow.

However there is much confusion as to whether CBD oil is safe, and how CBD oil differs from recreational cannabis. Also, not all CBD oil is the same. My CBD oil site will help you choose the best CBD oil for you.

CBD-Oil-Facts.Com has been created by me, UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes. (Click on my name if you want to learn more about me). I am passionate about helping others live as happy and healthy life as possible. I’m a firm believer that for some people, this includes the consumption of quality CBD oil.

Take your time and have a good look around my site. The more you learn about CBD oil the better. Please also share this site with anyone you know who will benefit.

To get you started, here is a brief description of what CBD oil is…

What Is CBD Oil?

CBD is a cannabinoid which is found in the cannabis plant. This is the part known for all the health benefits. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the compound found in cannabis plants that gives the mind altering high.

It is ONLY the THC part that gives you the mind altering high.

CBD does NOT give you a mind altering high.

CBD oil has many know health benefits, such as pain relief, improving sleep, reducing inflammation, reducing seizures, reduce anxiety, and an antidepressant. And medical research is expanding the list of proven health benefits all the time.

Please take a look around the site to learn more.

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